List of bibliographical references used for the preparation of the dictionary

Liste des ouvragesutilisés pour la préparation du dictionnaire


Le Grand Dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise – Chinois-Français (dit Le Grand Ricci), préparé par les Instituts Ricci de Paris et de Taipei en coédition avec Desclée de Brouwer (coedited by the Ricci Institutes of Paris and Taipei with the Desclée de Brouwer publishing company), 6 vols., 2001. ISBN 220408266X

Dictionary of Chinese Law and Government – Chinese-English, Philip R. Bilancia, Stanford University Press, 1981. ISBN 0-8047-0864-9

新汉英法学词典 Xin Han Ying Fa Xue Ci Dian (A New Chinese-English Law Dictionary), 法律出版社 Falü chubanshe (Law Press China), 1998. ISBN 978-7-5036-2284-7

英汉双解法律词典 Ying Han Shuang Jie Fa Lü Ci Dian (English-Chinese Bilingual Law Dictionary), 1st ed. Peter Collin Publishing Ltd., 1986; 2nd ed. 世界图书出版公司北京公司 Shijie tushu chuban gongsi (Beijing World Publishing Corporation), 1997. ISBN 7-5062-3104-2

WTO Fa Lü Da Ci Dian (WTO Law Dictionary), 法律出版社 Falü chubanshe (Law Press China), 2006. ISBN 7-5036-6771-0

北京大学法学百科全书 Bei Jing Da Xue Fa Xue Bai Ke Quan Shu (Peking University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence), 宪法学,行政法学 Xian Fa Xue, Xing Zheng Fa Xue (Constitutional Law, Administrative Law), 1999. ISBN 7-301-03694-9

北京大学法学百科全书 Bei Jing Da Xue Fa Xue Bai Ke Quan Shu (Peking University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence), 中国法律思想史 中国法制史,外国法律思想史 外国法制史 Zhong Guo Fa Lü Si Xiang Shi Zhong Guo Fa Zhi Shi, Wai Guo Fa Lü Si Xiang Shi Wai Guo Fa Zhi Shi (Intellectual History of Chinese Law, History of the Chinese Legal System and Institutions; Intellectual History of Foreign Law, History of the Foreign Legal System and Institutions), 2000. ISBN 7-301-04761-4

北京大学法学百科全书 Bei Jing Da Xue Fa Xue Bai Ke Quan Shu (Peking University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence), 民事诉讼法学, 刑事诉讼法学, 行政诉讼法学, 司法鉴定学, 刑事侦查学 Min Shi Su Song Fa Xue, Xing Shi Su Song Fa Xue, Xing Zheng Su Song Fa Xue, Si Fa Jian Ding Xue, Xing Shi Zhen Cha Xue (Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Administrative Procedure Law, Judicial Appraisal Studies, Criminal Investigation Studies), 2001. ISBN -730104951X

北京大学法学百科全书 Bei Jing Da Xue Fa Xue Bai Ke Quan Shu (Peking University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence), 北京大学出版社 Beijing daxue chubanshe (Peking University Press): 民法学,商法学 Min Fa Xue, Shang Fa Xue (Civil Law, Commercial Law), 2004, ISBN 7-301-07045-4

北京大学法学百科全书 Bei Jing Da Xue Fa Xue Bai Ke Quan Shu (Peking University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence), 经济法学 Jing Ji Fa Xue (Economic Law), 2007. ISBN 978-7-301-11302-8

法律辞典 Fa Lü Ci Dian (Law Dictionary), 上海辞书出版社 Shanghai cishu chubanshe (Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House), 2009. ISBN 978-7-5326-2616-8

汉英国际贸易和金融词典 Han Ying Guo Ji Mao Yi He Jin Rong Ci Dian (A Chinese-English Dictionary of International Trade and Finance), 外语教学与研究出版社 Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chubanshe (Foreign  Language Teaching and Research Press), 1995. ISBN 7-5600-0956-5

汉语大词典‧全本索引‧文林电子版 Han Yu Da Ci Dian – Quan Ben Suo Yin – Wen Lin Dian Zi Ban (Unabridged Hanyu Da Cidian Index, Wenlin Electronic Edition), integrated with the ABC English-Chinese/Chinese-English dictionary, for use with Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese, published by Wenlin Institute. (accessed 25 Sep 2020).

辞海 Ci Hai (Cihai), 上海辞书出版社 Shanghai cishu chubanshe (Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House), 2009. ISBN 978-7-5326-2859-9

中国大百科全书‧法学 Zhong Guo Da Bai Ke Quan Shu – Fa Xue (Encyclopedia of China: Legal Studies), 中国大百科全书出版社 Zhongguo da baikequanshu chubanshe (Encyclopedia of China Publishing House), 1984.  ISBN 978-7-5000-5953-0

法汉词典 Fa Han Ci Dian (French-Chinese Dictionary), 上海译文出版社 Shanghai yiwen chubanshe (Shanghai Translation Publishing House), 1982. ISBN 7-5327-0505-6

Droit chinois des affaires, Juriscope-CNRS and Dalloz, 2013. ISBN 978-2-247-12682-8

英汉-汉英双向法律词典 Ying Han-Han Ying Shuang Xiang Fa Lü Ci Dian (English-Chinese, Chinese-English Two-Way Law Dictionary), 法律出版社 Falü chubanshe (Law Press China), 2007. ISBN 978-7-50366679-7 新汉英法学词典 Xin Han Ying Fa Xue Ci Dian (New Chinese-English Dictionary of Law), 法律出版社 Law Press China, 1998. ISBN 978-7-5036-2284-7

英法汉国际法词汇 Ying Fa Han Guo Ji Fa Ci Hui (English-French-Chinese Dictionary of International Law), 中国对外翻译出版公司 Zhongguo duiwai fanyi chubanshe (China Translation & Publishing Corporation), 1984. 统一书号 (China standard book number): 17220-3

汉英法知识产权词典 Han Ying Fa Zhi Shi Can Quan Ci Dian (Chinese-English-French Dictionary of Intellectual Property Rights), 知识产权出版社 Zhishichanquan chubanshe (Intellectual Property Publishing House), 1998. ISBN 7-80198-291-6/D 335(1400)

Vocabulaire Juridique, Gérard Cornu, Presses Universitaires de France, 2017. ISBN 213050601-1

法汉汉法经济贸易词典 Fa Han-Han Fa Jing Ji Mao Yi Ci Dian (French-Chinese, Chinese-French Dictionary of Economy and Trade), 中国商务出版社 Zhongguo shangwu chubanshe (The Commercial Press), 1982. ISBN 7-80181-385-5



Interactive Terminology for Europe: (accessed 23 Sep 2020).

Le grand dictionnaire terminologique (GDT): (accessed 23 Sep 2020).

重編國語辭典修訂版 (Revised Edition of the Dictionary of the Chinese Language): (accessed 23 Sep 2020).